The Englewood Health Foundation provides numerous ways to partner with our health system as it works to transform the future of health care in our region. All gifts made to the Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and may be designated for a specific purpose or given as an unrestricted donation.
We welcome the opportunity to help you learn more about supporting Englewood Health. Contact the Foundation at 201.894.3725 or via email at
Getting started.
There are many opportunities to give in a way that is meaningful to you. We invite you to explore the options on this page or contact the Englewood Health Foundation.

Greatest Need
Ready to make an immediate impact? Consider supporting The Englewood Fund. These unrestricted charitable gifts provide direct support for a wide range of day-to-day medical center operations – everything from clinical education to physician recruitment and direct patient services.

Special Events
Englewood Health Foundation’s special events are indeed special – entertaining and lively gatherings that make philanthropy fun! Join our growing community of individuals, corporations, foundations and community organizations who celebrate and support the medical center’s mission.

Community Sponsored Events
Companies, individuals and families that would like Englewood Health Foundation to be the recipient of the proceeds from their fundraising event can find more information here.

Planned and Estate Gifts
What will your legacy be? Our team of gift planning experts can help you select from a wide variety of tax-wise giving strategies. Learn more about the range of planned giving opportunities to fit your exact needs.

Designated Funds
You can designate your support, and select an area that is most meaningful to you. From direct patient care to program support or facilities and technology, each and every gift received promises an invaluable return: outstanding clinical outcomes for countless patients and families at Englewood Health.